Lina Kadisch née Klein

Solinger Straße 3
Historical name
Solinger Straße 3
Stone was laid
12 May 2023
07 June 1880 in Poppenhausen
on 26 February 1943 from Solinger Straße 3 Berlin NW87 to Auschwitz
in Auschwitz

Lina Kadisch was born on June 7, 1880 in Poppenhausen, Bavaria. Very little is known about her life other than what our mother Anneliese Hunkins has told us anecdotally.

On March 11, 1907 she married the Berlin merchant Siegfried Kadisch in Gunzenhausen in Bavaria. They had a son, Heinz Kadisch. They lived at Solinger Strasse 3 in Berlin-Moabit. Although her husband died in 1938 fleeing arrest by the SA and SS, she continued to live at Solinger Strasse 3.

According to official records, she was deported from Berlin to Auschwitz on February 26, 1943, where she was murdered.