Leopold Lump

Berchtesgadener Straße 35
Stone was laid
06 May 2024
08 July 1914 in Fulda (Hessen)
1939 Belgien, Frankreich
in Drancy
on 06 March 1943 to Majdanek
in Majdanek

Leopold Lump was born on July 8, 1914 in Fulda (Hessen/Nassau). His parents were Bernhard Baruch Lump (born on 29 February 1872 in Wüstensachsen) and Regina Rebecka Kahn, who was born on  December 17, 1875 in Bad Homburg. 

Bernhard, Leopold's father, was the son of cattle dealer Joel Lump and his wife Hanna, née Höflein. Bernhard also became a cattle dealer.

Leopold's family was very large; he had 10 siblings: Ludwig (May 24, 1902), Max (April 8, 1905), Rosette (June 11, 1903) Hermann (December 23, 1906), Tilly (May 7, 1908), Lea "Berta" (February 14, 1910), Selma Julchen (May 9, 1912), Julius (February 3, 1916), and the twins Henny and Hanna (October 30, 1918). In 1920 the family was living in Fulda at Petersbergerstrasse 23.

Leopold moved to Berlin and became a druggist. He ran a pharmacy on Prenzlauer Strasse (now Karl Liebknecht Strasse).

His sister Rosette, who was 11 years older, also lived in Berlin. She had married the druggist Leo Cohn. The couple owned a pharmacy in Heinersdorf in the early 1930s. After they had to give up this business due to Nazi restrictions, they ran two more drugstores in Prenzlauer Berg and Schöneberg. 

During the November pogrom of 1938, Leopold's drugstore and the two stores of his sister and her husband were robbed and demolished. 

Leopold's sister's family had moved into the garden house on the 2nd floor of Berchtesgadener Straße 35 in 1938. The apartment only had 2 small bedrooms.

Rosette's mother died on May 23, 1939, whereupon the family brought Rosette and Leopold's father, Bernhard Lump, to live with them in Berlin.

On August 1, 1939, the parents sent their two daughters Dorothea and Hanna to England on the last of the Kindertransports (child transportation).

Leopold did not have his own apartment. We assume that he lived with his sister's family at Berchtesgadener Straße 35.

Leopold fled to Belgium and France in 1939. He was arrested on March 6, 1943 and deported via Gurs on the 51st  transport to Majdanek, where he was murdered. He was twenty-eight years old.

His sister Rosette and her husband Leo had lived in hiding in Berlin since 1943. Both were arrested and deported to Auschwitz and murdered in October 1943 and August 1944. 

The father of Rosette and Leopold, Bernhard Lump, had been deported to Theresienstadt in December 1942, where he died in May 1943.

The two daughters Dorothea and Hanna had lived in different families in England and were brought to New York by their Aunt Lea in 1946.