Dr. Theodor Hirschfeld

Markt 11
Stone was laid
26 October 2010
05 November 1894 in Berlin
Arzt / Allgemeinpraktiker
Forced Labour
Flugzeugwäscher (Flughafen Tempelhof)
on 26 September 1942 to Raasiku (b. Reval)
1942 in Raasiku (b. Reval)

Paula Hirschfeld, née Victor, was born on 10 October 1871 in Posen (today Poznań).

She was married to Dr Heymann (Hermann) Hirschfeld, a medical consultant, who was born on 26 March 1860 in Spandau.

They had one son, Theodor Hirschfeld. Theodor was born on 5 November 1894. Initially the Hirschfeld family lived at Augusta Ufer 15 in Spandau. Theodor enrolled at Humboldt University but had to interrupt his studies to serve in the First World War as a medical sergeant. After the war, he resumed his studies and became a general medical practitioner.

He lived at Markt 11 in Spandau where he also practiced. As a Jew, his health service licence was revoked in 1938, and he was forced to work washing aeroplanes at Tempelhof airport in Berlin.

His father Heymann Hirschfeld became seriously ill and his parents moved in with him at Markt 11. Paula Hirschfeld continued to live with her son after Heymann’s death on 15 December 1939.

Paula Hirschfeld was deported on 14 September 1942 from Berlin to Theresienstadt. She died on 30 July 1943. Her exact cause of death is not known but can probably be attributed to the inhumane conditions in the camp.

Dr Theodor Hirschfeld was deported on 26 September 1942, 12 days after his mother, to Raasiku in Latvia, and murdered on arrival.