Hermann Rindsberg

Hagenstraße 14 a
Stone was laid
09 December 2006
17 May 1876 in Uehlfeld
on 02 April 1942 to Warschau
in Warschau
Hermann Rindsberg was born on 17 May 1876 in Uehlfeld, Bavaria. Later he lived in Berlin, where he worked as a freelance sales representative. In 1912 he married Frieda Auguste Uecker (1883-1974), a native Berliner. They lived at Simplon Straße 5 in Friedrichshain before moving to Gryphius Straße 28 in the same district in 1915. In around 1934 they moved into a 2 ½-room apartment at Hagen Straße 14a in Lichtenberg. They did not have any children.
Shortly after the Nazis seized power, Hermann Rindsberg was barred from his profession because he was Jewish. When his savings were spent, his non-Jewish wife took work as a sales assistant. In 1942 she filed for divorce and Hermann Rindsberg went to live with friends in Kraut Straße 54. In an application for compensation that Frieda Rindsberg submitted in 1955, she stated that she and her husband had not divorced for political reasons and had remained in a conjugal relationship. Divorce had been her husband’s suggestion, because of the difficulties she encountered working as a sales assistant as the wife of a Jew. After 30 years of happy marriage, she had been forced to take this step to continue earning a living for them both. Her application for compensation as the surviving dependant of a victim of racist persecution was rejected.
On 2 April 1942, Hermann Rindsberg was deported to Warsaw. He died in the Warsaw ghetto. Nothing is known of the date or circumstances of his death.