Dr. Siegfried Ksinski

Pacelliallee 57
Historical name
Cecilienallee 57
Stone was laid
27 January 2023
08 February 1890 in Schrimm (Posen) / Śrem
on 29 November 1942 to Auschwitz
in Auschwitz

Dr. Siegfried Ksinski was born on 08.02.1890 in Schrimm, in what is now Poland. He came to Berlin in 1909, i.e. at the age of 19, to study medicine. He then specialised in eye diseases, which he successfully completed.

Dr. Ksinski moved to Friedrichshain and opened a practice at Warschauer Straße 78 in 1921, which was visited by many patients. He also had a licence for health insurance companies.
Dr. Ksinski ran his practice for 17 years, but then, like many of his colleagues, his licence to practise was revoked by the Fourth Decree to the Reich Citizenship Act of 1938. As a result, he had to close his practice.

In addition to Friedrichshain, he also lived for a time in Zehlendorf, voluntarily living last at Pacelliallee 57, then Cecilienallee. Later he moved with his wife to Charlottenburg, but there they did not live alone, but had to share the 4 ½ room flat, of which they themselves occupied two rooms, with Jewish subtenants.
Duisburger Str. 12 is the last known address of Dr. Ksinski.

Through his profession as a doctor, he was able to put aside some money. Of this once large fortune, only 9,000 RM were left in 1942, which, like the inventory of the flat, were confiscated "for the benefit of the German Reich".

On 29 November 1942, Dr. Ksinski was deported from Berlin to Ausschwitz. There he was ultimately killed in the concentration and extermination camp.